12. 3. 2025 15:00 online webinář
Create High Quality Documentation While Saving You Time and Money
This webinar will feature BluePrint-PCB Version 7 which introduces several improvements to better handle document ECOs – reference designation handling, document compare module, and a new Cadence Allegro interface, plus subscription pricing options.
Now is the time to truly experience BluePrint-PCB. It’s a revolutionary solution to address all your PCB documentation needs.
- 3D visualization and documentation of manufacturing data allowing users to minimize manufacturing defects and delays in production
- A newly designed user interface common across all DownStream products
- A common database between all DownStream products so data can be shared seamlessly
- Technology and support for 64 bit
We created a truly integrated 2D/3D environment for improved PCB post processing. BluePrint-PCB 6.0 designed to automate, streamline and dramatically improve PCB Documentation.