
Design Rules + Routing Automation = Shorter design schedule

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CADware s.r.o. » Aktuálně » Design Rules + Routing Automation = Shorter design schedule

13. 8. 2018 17:30 - 18:30 SELČ online webinář

routing-A445A079Many designers we talk to say Autorouters are too challenging to use. Routes meander too much, too many vias are added, they’re too hard to setup to function properly, and too many rules need to be created.  Some of this does apply, but you don’t have to autoroute the entire board to take advantage of this time saving technology.

During this webinar you’ll see how interactive routing, interactive autorouting, and simple design rule entry will allow you to create your designs faster by 20-50%.  Start using the tools you own to design in less time.

Presenter will be Brent Klingforth who worked at HP for 10 years as an R&D tech and a PCB designer. He currently works for Oasis Sales as their Senior Application Engineer specializing in Schematic, PCB, and Manufacturing products. He has worked with engineering tools for 20+ years with roles including PCB design, tool training, customer support, consulting and is an IPC certified designer.

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